Friday 26 February 2010

On the christian way

Some are going one way,
trudging on the road less travelled,
while billions more at the opposite end, Speeding(and overtaking),
on a highway to hell.
I wonder if there will be an intersection, a "pre purgatory" meet,
or shall it all be one heady rush,
Fast as the blink of the eye,
The sheep, silent as if being led to the slaughter house,
Instead to crowns of gold and eternal mansions,
While the goats, bleating and stampeding, onwards to tongues of fire and never cooling thirst.
Or perhaps shall it all be a surprise,
To be welcomed by Shiva and Vishnu,
And by chants of om shanti om shanti
led to the ornate banquet table,
at whose head shall be buddha,
and not Jesus of Nazareth.
But please do leave out the Prophet P.B.U.H
poet Infidels dare not risk the wrath of fatwa,
If in doubt, ask Rushdie,
He won't even wipe his ass,
Without Scotland Yard saying aye.

D e wasake
26 feb 2010
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cable & Wireless

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